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K&K Logo Bingo Challenge 2021


To participate, please email your picture(s) of your completed quilts, laptop, table runners, pot holders, etc.. to . Items do not have to be quilted, you only have to have the top completed using 1 or more of the Bingo blocks from any or all of the 26 weeks.   You can submit more than 1 image or item.

Include your Picture, Email address, Name & Telephone

  1. Picture(s) need to be submitted prior to December 10th
  2. December 15th all pictures will be posted to Facebook as one post.
  3. Then everyone can vote for your favorite by LIKE/LOVE the image.  The most Like/Loved will be our winner. Announced on January 1st, 2022


K&K Logo Bingo Challenge Instructions & Demo

1.  Tune into "What's on the Cutting Table" posted each Thursday on our Facebook Page.  (If you need a Bingo Card you do not have to be local.  We will email the card to you, just send your email to or stop into the store K&K Logo to pickup a card.)
2.  A New Block with be Drawn/Posted every Thursday, along with a demo & instructions on how to construct the block.   You can use any fabric in your stash, spring, fall, scrappy or patriot, it is your choice.
3.  Block must be completed to be able to mark the Square off on your card.
4.  Prizes will be awarded to the 1st Five to Complete in A, B, & C categories:  A.  Four Corners    B. Line completed   C. "X" Completed    D.  Complete Card  - Only 1 winner on the COMPLETE FILL of the Card  (To justify winners we are asking you send a picture to of your completed blocks for a line, X, etc... to qualify as a Winner)   
5.  Goal:  Is to Win Prizes and to Learn New Blocks.   In the end you will increase your knowledge along with you will have enough blocks to make a sampler quilt. 
There is no fee join in and you can start at anytime.   The blocks posted will be the blocks already drawn, so fill free to catch up, if you would like.  Happy Sewing.