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Contact Us/ History

Email: karenkklogo@gmail.com   or   kimkklogo@gmail.com

Address:  143 1st Avenue East, Dyersville, IA 52040

Telephone:   (563) 875-2191

Hours:   Monday - Friday  8:30am - 5pm , Saturday 8:30am - Noon , & Sunday Closed

Location:   Google Maps                          Check out our Facebook Page  

 map to K&K logo in dyersville, Iowa



Let me introduce you to K&K Logo Designs.  Karen started K&K Logo Designs Ltd. out small in a basement as a screen printer and embroidery shop.  As the workload increased, new space was needed. A building was purchased in downtown Dyersville, Iowa. With additional space we continued to grow, with a lot of hard work and dedication, we are continuing strong over 30 years later.  We ship all over the United States. Kim (Karen’s sister-in-law) joined the team in 2002.

Our local Quilt Shop retired in 2017 and that brought the perfect opportunity to add Quilting Fabric to our store.  We love quilting and have made a large number of quilts ourselves. Our fabric line includes, Moda, Timeless Treasures, Hoffman, Riley Blake, Stella, Suzy Bee, Henry Glass to name a few.  If you look at our fabric lines you can tell we like fun, colorful fabrics. We still do all the original work; screen printing, embroidery, promotional products and heat pressing. However, we decided that we would like to add fabric and sewing classes to the list of products/services that we offer.

 We have classes consisting of what we call “Sip & Sew”.  You can bring your favorite beverage and sit back, relax and sew the day away.  We listened to our customers and have started out our classes for beginners, to help anyone to get into the sewing fun.  Our motto is “If you can sew a straight line, you can make a quilt”. We give out pointers and teach the little tricks to make your life easier along the way.  Additionally, we teach table runners and have classes for the kids to make their own pillowcases. We will be doing a Mystery Quilt and Block of the Month Quilt in the future.  

We area a Quilts of Valor store member.  We have made and presented numerous QOVs, since 2015.  We present mainly in our surrounding towns, but have driven and presented in Tennessee and Kansas also.   Last fall, four of our Veterans even got their quilts signed by the Bellamy Brothers who were performing at the Veterans concert. We stock lots of patriotic fabrics along with panels.

Stop in and check us out!  We are friendly and willing to help you figure out the right screen print, embroidery, promotional product, or heat pressed product. Also, you can find what you need to make that perfect treasured quilt or sewing project.   Our fabric inventory is growing with leaps and bounds, so stop in often or check out our site because every month new treasures are to be found.

Happy Sewing from K&K Logo - Karen, Kim & Crew